Meet your guide

Hi, I’m Fiona - fully obsessed Human Design nerd, artist, Mum and guide.

In Human Design speak, I’m a 4/6 Self-Projected Projector, with the Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx (you can scope my full chart below).

I’ve spent most of my life working as a photographer, pushing back against the obsession that industry has with the superficiality of the exterior, instead I was always seeking for a deeper connection to truth and authenticity (hello, Projector 👋). But after 27 years of photographing mostly women, I felt pummelled with the constant onslaught of the ‘not good enough’ story most people live inside of - myself at the time included. Mostly everyone wants to experience their own self-worth - but how do we let go of the limiting beliefs and stories we’ve told ourselves our whole lives? The old advice of ‘just believe in yourself’ is so easy to say - but how do we actually do that?? Who are we really? Why does that seem to come so easy for some, but not for all of us??

Finding Human Design in 2021 literally changed my life - and I know how that sounds. Before that - I was not into any spiritual modalities, I had never done Reiki / consulted a psychic, didn’t know my astrology beyond my Sun sign or had any other dalliance with any similar kind of modality. I was raised by scientists. I like facts, and peer reviewed articles. And yet… Human Design has truly changed the way I see myself, my partner, our kids, my family and friends. It is actionable and practical. It is a literal roadmap to how your energy works, the strengths you are designed to have (that not everyone else has access to!) and practical guidance on how to recognise when you’re in alignment with them, and when you’re operating from the shadow aspect. It has felt like a giant permission slip to truly be who I always was - before the world convinced me otherwise. It has helped me understand my children on a level I could never have imagined previously, and informed my parenting of them to the benefit of us all. If you’re brand new to Human Design, you can read more about it here.

Human Design doesn’t tell you who you are - it tells you HOW you are, which is the birth of true self-awareness - and from self-awareness, self-value is the next step. It is a reminder of the true You you may have spent a lifetime hiding, judging, efforting to change, ‘fix’ or see as cringe - when instead you could lean in and access the power that was always innately yours, just wanting to be claimed. Since finding out my design, I know my strengths and am aware of my challenges. I’ve started trusting my voice and stepping into my power for the first time in a long time, asking for help in the areas where I truly can’t do it all, and everything has changed.

My work has always focused on self-value, and my undefined heart is in exactly the right lane to be doing that work. I always wanted to help people feel deeply seen, and as a Projector, I was born to do that. My friends and family always came to me for advice, and my 13-33 always had the right story to tell to help them see their own path more clearly. My completely open Emotional centre shows me how to be deeply empathic to the feelings and needs of others, and my 61-24 constantly finds a way to see things in an inspiring new light.

As a 6 line, my first phase was full of trial and error - the wrong group of friends in my teens and early twenties had me making choices that weren’t serving who I truly wanted to be and where I truly wanted to go; so I chucked it all in and took off overseas in a job working as a photographer on cruise ships for 6 months - only to stay for 7 years, marrying the wrong man (and I knew it at the time); learning my biggest lesson in self-value at his hands, going through a painful divorce and retreating back home to enter my second phase up ‘on the roof’ to lick my wounds and chill for a bit.

And here I reconnected with a man I’d met in my first few weeks at sea, and though there’d been an instant spark back then, we’d gone our seperate ways after nothing more than a shared day at a cantina on a Mexican beach (and a photo of the moment we fell in love). Our paths had criss-crossed over the years following, always in and out of each others’ lives, but now - the time was right and we arranged to meet. Less than 2 weeks later, I was flying with him to NZ to meet his family, and less than 2 weeks after that, I flew out to LA to live with him, and we’ve been together ever since. I’m living my happily ever after now, I married my best friend, and together we have two beautiful children and an ongoing adventure together with no end in sight.

Now, at 47, I have enough lived experience to know what’s truly important. I’m done with my stories of not being ‘enough’. As a guide, I want to help others find their self-worth, I believe the first steps are found in self-acceptance. And I’ve found no better tool to understand yourself than Human Design.

Human Design is as much practical as it is mystical. The parts that drew me to it as a modality were the actionable strategies and practices I could implement immediately through my Strategy and Authority to help me make decisions, draw opportunities to me and work with others harmoniously. Being able to re-frame the stories and beliefs that did nothing but hold me back, and instead recognise that I was trying unsuccessfully to operate like someone else, but had never tried to lean into my own gifts and strengths because I simply couldn’t see them for what they were.

As a guide, I’ve focused on making Human Design understandable and accessible - it’s no use trying to absorb tonnes of information if you can’t put it to any use. Learning your Human Design should feel expansive and empowering - it is an awareness tool to help you truly see yourself - and those you love - more clearly so you can understand and support each other that much better. Learning your kids Design is by far one of the most powerful things you can do as a parent, for yourself and for your kids. This is not a one-size-fits-all exercise, it’s a deep dive into discovering your unique energy blueprint, the closest thing we have to that ‘instruction manual’ we’re always wishing came with our babies.

My values in business have always been on authenticity, personal power, self-worth, individuality and creativity. My Incarnation Cross energy is all about naturally helping to guide others to find their unique path, it’s programmed into almost every aspect of my chart. I’d love to show you the possibilities that exist for you outside of any limiting stories and beliefs, I’d love to take you on a journey to discovering your own self-value.

The satisfaction, success, peace and delight you desire is waiting for you. I’d love to invite you to take the leap with me into learning your Human Design.

Fiona’s Human Design chart

Let’s Work Together